
Showing posts from January, 2021

The lost glory of medicine- Alexandria

 The glories of  Alexandria — the Greek city founded in  Egypt in 331 BC by Alexander the Great — were its Library, which may have contained some 700,000 volumes, and its Museum ( ‘house of the Muses’), a publicly-funded research in situ te. There was very little  Egyptian influence in these Hellenistic enclaves, but the Ptolemaic rulers did allow the dissection of human corpses (and perhaps even live criminals), a taboo among the Greeks.  Herophilus, who lived in the 3rd century BC, was the first true anatomist, discovering and naming the prostate and the duodenum (from the Greek for ‘12 fingers ’, this breadth being the length of what he found ). He also distinguished arteries from nerves, and sensory from motor nerves and carried out the first methodical investigation of the brain. His contemporary Erasistratus did not hold with the four senses of humor theory. When he dissected the heart and found it had four one-way valves, he surmised that at it was a pump...

"COVID-19 VACCINE why did u come so early"!!

  So, yes the much-awaited vaccines are finally here!!!!! The above line itself is a controversy, let us get to the point straight. At first, the general public was so hyped about the vaccine to be made. There were several who took so much interest in the lacking healthcare system, there was criticism for doctors, nurses, the frontline workers, the police, the administration, in one or other way there still is, but we have to understand that there is no drill that occurs in the whole world every now and then for a pandemic, right. Every country and every administrative service all over the world did the best they could. Yes, it could have been better but many things in the world could have been better but we have to learn that we are humans and we have to learn through things. Nobody in their right mind ever asked for the pandemic. When globally we were in the initial phase of the pandemic playing our part staying home, there were people out there who were still helping and there...