How are carbohydrates digested in our body!!!
Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth and continues through the stomach and the small intestine. There are basically three types of carbohydrates that are digested by the human body and they are sucrose which is found in the cane sugar or we can say the normal sugar we eat, second is lactose or the carbohydrate part present in milk and dairy products. The third type of carbohydrate that we intake is a polysaccharide which is starch which we intake as grains. In layman terms carbohydrate is the part of diet such as sugar, dairy and grains. The former two are disaccharides and only starch is polysaccharide. After knowing what carbohydrates we are intaking now should know how these are digested in our digestive system. Firstly, all the food we take weather be it carbs, fat or proteins they undergo hydrolysis(breakdown of a chemical compound due to water) and in case of carbohydrate it goes as follows. R”-R’ + H 2 O → R”OH + R’H Here hydrolysis is breakdown...