
Showing posts from November, 2020

From the EMS to the hospital!!

  How the EMS does decide which hospital should the patient go to? What are the different problems that the EMS system faces in the transfer of the patients? 1.      Facilities of the EMS and the critical care units - The most appropriate thing to do in an EMS service is to transfer the patient to the nearest appropriate hospital. There have been increases in the number of trauma, spinal cord injury centers, burn centers, stroke centers, and centers with advanced cardiac or resuscitation capabilities. Tertiary care centers, often affiliated with medical schools, provide many of these services and may also have a large number of critical-care unit beds. There are superior hospitals present but when it comes to the EMS they have to deal with patients who are most in emergencies and thus bypassing the available hospitals for the specialty center is not a good move. The wish to go to a specialty center bypassing the other facilities might make the patie...

Communication and Transportation in the EMS!!!!

  What happens after we call an emergency number? What are the different protocols they follow? How are they at most of the times able to transport patients smoothly? In the previous post we knew about the manpower and the training parts of the Emergency Medical System. In this part, we will know about how they carry patient transportation and communication. 1.      Communications - There is a common emergency number in every country or every region. In America it’s 911 and like that every region has one. These days the advanced technologies like the use of smartphones have made it easier to get to the location. People who are the ones who receive our calls are basically trained to collect all the necessary information and then dispatch the resources according to the information received. The ambulance is in direct contact with the destination hospital and also a physician. They are also trained to give first aid instructions or guidance while th...

How Emergency Medical System works???

  How does an EMS system work?   What are the basic key elements or parts of the emergency system at a place? What amount of work, they can do? How are they so efficient? What are the problems they face? Well we got the questions if any of these questions is that you want to know about then we will be getting to know about just that!!! The American EMS or the so-called Emergency Medical System has 15 parts or sections. So, it’s not that simple that you call 911 and just a conventional ambulance comes to pick you up. Yes, an ambulance comes but it is more complicated than it looks like. Not only America other countries like the UK all have very advanced and sophisticated EmS System Parts of the ems systems and some details about them: 1.      MANPOWER - So, the vehicles that we call when we find someone fainted or having a medical emergency is an ambulance or we call a number that will provide us one. Till today ambulances the nice conventi...

You Can Deal With Any Situation

 Do you often get into situations where you don't know what to do say aor how to act?? Most of us have been in these kind of situations in our life. People who are introverts in nature can relate to what I am saying. We also get into situations where we have deadlines for something and we just go blank to what to do and everything seems to be a mess. So here is how I feel with it. It doesn't work for all the situations but is applicable to almost all our day to day life problems. If we can make these steps a habit then our  work and mental peace can both be at a gain, kind of a win situation. So what are these steps? How do we follow them? So, here they are. First the way you can keep any situation under your control or never let a situation go out of you hands is to follow a three step path in your mind which I will talk in a bit. But before that you must know what will happen if you will think or act according to these steps: i) You will be more confident. ii) you will be ab...

Few thoughts!!!

 After 10 posts and a few readers I just wanted to say to those  readers who do read these posts that I am very thankful.  The main reason why I write medical related topic is because I am a med student and I  like to share useful information that can help someone. The more educated we get the more we can do better for ourselves and for others. I just hope that these informations will reach out to people who are keen on knowing something  P.S will be posting as much as I can  posts from now  Thankyou stay safe and healthy,☺️


Emergency Medical Services EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services. Every country has some sort of extended pre-hospital setting which generally we call the EMS. in this blog we are going to learn the history of the EMS system and how it came to become an integral part of the hospitals.  We will know what are the different parts of the EMS system that works when we call our local emergency helpline!!!!! How It Started..... The concept of bringing care to the sick or injured dates back to Roman times. However, today’s EMS systems have their roots in legislative and clinical developments of the 1960s and 1970s.  Interesting to note that at that time there were very few types of equipment and facilities available and noteworthy to say tech was not too developed. Most of the ambulances were of funeral homes and very few amounts of them had stretchers. in the underdeveloped parts of the world, the situation was even worse. Thus healthcare was a very scarce piece of luxury that no...