You Can Deal With Any Situation

 Do you often get into situations where you don't know what to do say aor how to act??

Most of us have been in these kind of situations in our life. People who are introverts in nature can relate to what I am saying.

We also get into situations where we have deadlines for something and we just go blank to what to do and everything seems to be a mess.

So here is how I feel with it. It doesn't work for all the situations but is applicable to almost all our day to day life problems.

If we can make these steps a habit then our  work and mental peace can both be at a gain, kind of a win situation.

So what are these steps? How do we follow them? So, here they are.

First the way you can keep any situation under your control or never let a situation go out of you hands is to follow a three step path in your mind which I will talk in a bit.

But before that you must know what will happen if you will think or act according to these steps:

i) You will be more confident.

ii) you will be able to work under pressure

iii) If you are in a negetive environment you will be able to access the situation and and make it not affect you.

The benefits might vary

So how do you stay composed, clam focused productive and efficient always!! No, not always but whenever you want to be.

 See there is no magic or great potion making to it it is just your own mind that you have to train to be stronger. So the steps are

1. Make Yourself at peace. Mostly Panic and the initial stage of anxiety comes from  a science of foreboding. Its natural but us humans need to understand that becoming still and scared is not going to solve any problem.

We need to frist make sure that we are okay this might not be possible in many situations because we human beings are emotional creatures. But we should use our emotions to rescue ourselves than to destroy us. Eg if we are in panic because we think that we will not be able to make a good career, we should then see what we can do now that will help to decrease that panic. Like, we can do some planing for the future. So in short belive thy emotions and work what they say. Confused what to do first-class divide them to priorities etc.

2. Next is to access our surroundings when we attain our own peace and are in a normal state of mind then only we can see what us happening in the surrounding. Who is doing what and all those sort of things. A part of this step is to see what is causing the problem at the frist place. And simultaneously we can better  the frist step  because there are situations where these steps merge and there a situations where we can do it one after the other.

Another thing we can do is to distance ourselves from the issue or makeup our mind and just work our mind to do the problematic task before anything else.

That helps a lot..

3. Work up on what you found out in a fixed amount of time because if we don't we will again have the emotions like fear, panic etc. 


Frist thing we should do in any problematic situation is to have our composure. Not loose our mental peace. 

Second access the situation and point out what is causing the problem.

Third plan out the way and work upon it...

Apply this in your daily life and comment if it worked... 

Thankyou.. stay safe and healthy. 

P.s share to people I think might find it helpful


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