A peek to neurons!!!
1)The neurons are present as the nuclei and tracts in the CNS and in the form of ganglions in PNS.
2)Range 5-100 MM and various shapes.
3)Neurons have dendrites (send a signal towards) and axons (send signal away) from the
cell body
4)There are various types of Neurons and classification of them is different.
On the basis of shape
i. Multipolar neurons- Have many dendrites that arise from the single dendrite attached to the soma or the cell body or other type in which many dendrites are attached with the soma directly.
ii) Bipolar neurons- Special sensory neurons that have one axon and one dendrite
iii. Unipolar neurons- In the dorsal root ganglion and they have two processes one process is axonal and the Other is dendritic
The neurons are also divided whether they terminate locally off or they have long axons to send signals to some other place which are called the projection neurons
The Soma
Are Mostly unmyelinated
Have both the excitatory and the inhibitory axosomatic contacts present
The non-synaptic surface may contain gap junctions and is partly covered by either astrocytic or satellite oligodendrocyte processes.
Rarely there may be some somatic or dendrosomatic contacts but they are rare
They have a large number of SER, RER, and free polyribosomes
The free polyribosomes form what is called the nissl granules
The ribosomes -are not present in the axon and the axon hillock
The spinal motor neurons have a large number of ribosomes
The ribosomes also have the function to secrete protein the g - protein and the scaffold proteins
The protein also helps in receiving and sending signals and detecting stimuli.
The nucleus of neurons have a nucleolus
The neurons are very much filled with neurofilaments was their bundle is called the neurofibril. The neurofilament is made up by centrioles and wit mostly has three polypeptides.
There might be extensive neurofibrils in the more spinal neurons.
There might be also the presence of pigments in the cytoplasm of the neurons because of different factors like the color blue or the presence of iron or zinc in the red nucleus.
This was a small intro on neurons rest cell structure will post tomorrow read if you are interested.
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