
mental health at work

 By receiving proper mental health care, productivity increases, absenteeism decreases, and total medical costs decrease. • Having a healthy workforce that shows up to work in a good frame of mind, ready to work benefits everyone. It is increasingly being recognized that the mental health of employees is a crucial determinant in their overall health and that poor mental health and stressors at the workplace can be a contributory factor to a range of physical illnesses like hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular conditions, amongst others. • Mental health problems have an impact on employers and businesses directly through increased absenteeism, negative impact on productivity and profits, as well as an increase in costs to deal with the issue. In addition, they impact employee morale adversely. Key facts • Work is good for mental health but a negative working environment can lead to physical and mental health problems. • Depression and anxiety have a significant economic impact;...

4 virtues for a great physician

  Excellence The first measure of a great physician is excellence. Physicians need to have medical knowledge that can be recalled at a moment’s notice. Excellence should include the accuracy of diagnostic methods, the appropriateness of approach, and the effectiveness of proven clinical decision-making principles. Compassion A great physician enters this profession with a love for humanity. Individual doctors serve their patients by assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients, and through rehabilitation and habilitation, palliation, health promotion, and disease prevention. However, medicine is more than procedures and physicians are more than purveyors of technology. Compassion is fundamental to the relationship between the patient and the doctor. Compassion is one of the most important attributes of a successful doctor. Patients often experience anxiety and stress along with their pain or illness and need to feel that their practitioner is empathetic to their issues and dedicate...

A peek to neurons!!!

  Neurons  1)The neurons are present as the nuclei and tracts in the CNS and in the form of ganglions in PNS. 2)Range 5-100 MM and various shapes. 3)Neurons have dendrites (send a signal towards) and axons (send signal away) from the cell body 4)There are various types of Neurons and classification of them is different. On the basis of shape i. Multipolar neurons-  Have many dendrites that arise from the single dendrite attached to the soma or the cell body or other type in which many dendrites are attached with the soma directly. ii) Bipolar neurons-  Special sensory neurons that have one axon and one dendrite iii. Unipolar neurons-  In the dorsal root ganglion and they have two processes one process is axonal and the Other is dendritic The neurons are also divided whether they terminate locally off or they have long axons to send signals to some other place which are called the projection neurons The Soma Are  Mostly unmyelinated Have both the excitator...

What is the Nervous System I ?? A brief info.

Okay, so let’s talk about the nervous system. The nervous system has two major divisions, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain, spinal cord, optic nerve, and retina. Whereas the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves like the cranial and the spinal. Furthermore,  the peripheral nervous system consists of the autonomic nervous system and the special senses, and the autonomic nervous system can be further divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Apart from them, the gut has its own brain the enteric nerves which can handle the local activity of the gut.  In the CNS, the cell bodies of neurons are often grouped together in discrete areas termed nuclei . The cell bodies of various neurons form the layers and they collectively form the grey matter and the collection of the axons is called the white matter because they are coated with myelin sheaths and it appears white when...

Medical process of falling asleep!! How do you fall asleep??

Each one of us falls asleep every day ever wondered how exactly do we fall asleep and what is going on with the brain during sleep. let's talk about some aspects briefly. Sleep   An average human can spend one-third of their life sleeping  the best way to approach to understand sleep is the level of consciousness of the person  There are basically two conscious levels and they are awake and sleep  Awake can be further two forms alert [ β waves] and tired[α waves]  Alert awake is when we are busting at work and tired alpha waves are when we are about to sleep. ASLEEP also comprises of two parts the N-REM & REM sleep Rapid Eye Movement is the full form of REM and it is a kind of cycle in which the eyes oscillate back and forth.  The REM is a deep sleep that has the same beta waves as when we are alert and awake. REM sleep has also beta waves and it makes about 10 % of the sleep and the penile tumescence occurs in this stage each rem stage is approx 90 to ...

Do you ever stop breathing while asleep?? what is sleep apnea??!!!

 Definition  Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's sleep, you might have sleep apnea.  Obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) and central sleep apnea (CSA) are both classified as sleep-related breathing disorders Prevalence of the number of people who suffer from this disease  The prevalence of OSAHS is two- to fourfold higher among men than among women. Factors that predispose men to OSAHS include android patterns of obesity (resulting in upper-airway fat deposition) and relatively great pharyngeal length, which exacerbates collapsibility (which means the lungs are not filled with air and shrink ie. collapse).  Premenopausal women are relatively protected from OSAHS by the influence of sex hormones on the ventilatory drive(which means the brain sending signals to the respiratory muscles to put any effort into breathing so that we...

is getting wounded good or bad??!

  So today we will talk about wounds very briefly . Everybody in their life has encountered a wound of some kind be it due to falling down on the ground and getting a scratch or getting some serious wounds like having to encounter an accident.   There are various kinds of wounds that are inflicted at the area of contact like it may be a cut a lesion or a laceration or it can be a serious wound where there might be excessive bleeding and more complicated factors like a fracture. It is important to document important historical information such as the mechanism as to how the person got that wound , timing when the person got that wound , location of the injury, and the degree of contamination like if the wound is open there is a high chance that bacteria and viruses can contaminate and cause inflammation . Associated symptoms of pain, swelling, paresthesia burning, or a numb feeling that occurs when we fall down or hit hard on the ground, and loss of function should be ide...