is getting wounded good or bad??!

 So today we will talk about wounds very briefly
. Everybody in their life has encountered a wound of some kind be it due to falling down on the ground and getting a scratch or getting some serious wounds like having to encounter an accident. 

 There are various kinds of wounds that are inflicted at the area of contact like it may be a cut a lesion or a laceration or it can be a serious wound where there might be excessive bleeding and more complicated factors like a fracture.

It is important to document important historical information such as the mechanism as to how the person got that wound, timing when the person got that wound, location of the injury, and the degree of contamination like if the wound is open there is a high chance that bacteria and viruses can contaminate and cause inflammation. Associated symptoms of pain, swelling, paresthesia burning, or a numb feeling that occurs when we fall down or hit hard on the ground, and loss of function should be identified.

Another thing that we should keep in mind when evaluating the wound is to see what is stopping the wound from healing like-

  1. Location- wounds that are in the hands and the legs are easier to heal and treat. The wounds to the abdomen and the chest and the brain can do major organ damage and are hard to heal and need a series of evaluation methods. And a long or complicated treatment process.

  2. Medication- b if the person in on blood thinning agents and immunosuppressants the wound healing can be difficult as the former will be a hindrance in the clotting process like ASPIRIN and the latter may increase the risk for infection

Determine factors that affect wound healing, such as patient age the older the location of injury, medications, chronic medical conditions, and previous keloid or scar formation.

 Adults with the sensation of a foreign body are much more likely to have retained a foreign body that should be removed.

 Review allergies, particularly to latex, and determine whether tetanus immunization is required 

 When caring for wounds, the ultimate goal is to restore the physical integrity and function of the injured tissue without infection


So, it is very common to see and encounter a wounded person. So if you have decided to be the life savior the first you need to evaluate the wound and at the same time call for help if the wound is bleeding, open or serious. In case of bleeding apply direct pressure to the bleeding area and if you have any tying material then you can provide a makeshift tourniquet to reduce the fluid loss and call for help as soon as you can. And also if the wound is not so serious still get it evaluated as it might cause infection. At we can treat a physical wound though and about other types, we will talk about it some other time

So take care and

Stay healthy, safe, and informed. :) 



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