Steps of inflammatory reactions in the body!!
In the previous post, there was an insight into what is inflammation and its general introduction. In this one, we can know about what are the steps that occur in inflammation and what happens in those steps.
Inducing of the inflammation in the host cell
Any disturbing stimuli like the entry of any microbe or the onset of the necrosis of the tissues might activate the host cell or tissue mediators which induce inflammation by recruiting leukocytes and the complement proteins from the blood.
The damage in any tissue or the entry of the microbes is sensed by the resident cells that are present in the tissue like macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cell, and many other types. These cells release mediators like the cytokines that recruit the plasma, leukocytes, and complement proteins.
Fun fact-the accumulation of plasma in the tissue during inflammation by the mediators causes the edema of that region. The anti-inflammatory drugs are mostly the drugs that stop the mediator from recruiting the leukocytes and inducing inflammation.
How do we know that someone is having inflammation or how does inflammation look like?
The cardinal signs of inflammation are- heat (calor in Latin), redness
(rubor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor), and loss of function (functio laesa). These were given by Celsus a roman encyclopedist and the last one was added by Virchow.
When does inflammation stop or what happens when the microbes and unwanted substances are eradicated?
When the offending cause is eradiated and there are no offending microbes the mediators dissipate. Another thing that happens is that the anti-inflammatory processes start occurring and thus prevent further damage.
What is the fate of the damage of the inflammed tissue?
The inflammation stops and the process of repair starts where the tissue got damaged'
often the residual cell regenerate and thus the tissue starts to heal or the residual defect may be replaced by connective tissue which turns to scarring of that area.
The process of inflammation depends upon the presence of resident cells in the body and the work of the mediators and the receptors that act all along the time to regulate the whole process. Also, it is not a continuing process as it stops and healing does happen.
P.S- stay healthy and safe and be informed.. :)
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